Camps and Clinics
2024 Summer Camp Schedule
CR Boys & Girls Soccer Camp for 5 to 12 years old, July 26, 8:30 am to Noon at Bear River Recreation Center.
Hosted by Taylor McMillin, CR Women's Soccer Coach & Kyle Van Dyke, CR Men's Soccer Coach, assisted by CR soccer players.
Free T-shirt provided with snacks, please bring a water bottle.
Soccer Registration and Details
CR Wrestling Camp - Open to boys and girls, 6 -12th grade, max. 30 kids a day. Cost $60 per day. Bring your own lunch and water bottle. Participate on one or more camp days.
- June 8th
- Session 1: 10am-12pm
- Lunch: 12pm-1pm
- Session 2: 1pm-3pm
- June 22nd
- Session 1: 10am-12pm
- Lunch: 12pm-1pm
- Session 2: 1pm-3pm
- July 13th
- Session 1: 10am-12pm
- Lunch: 12pm-1pm
- Session 2: 1pm-3pm
- July 27th
- Session 1: 10am-12pm
- Lunch: 12pm-1pm
- Session 2: 1pm-3pm
Wrestling Registration and Details
Native Running Camp
Please call 707-502-9545 or email to sign up.
- 7th-12th grade
- We are merging running, science and TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge).
- Bring running shoes and Water bottles
- Breakfast and Lunch provided
- Drop off 7:30-8:00
TWO FEATHERS Native American Family Services